My Poems

Always watching, never seeing, 
Never living, always being,
 Sky is my domain, clouds hinder me in vain,
My friend is the rain, over mist and rainbows I reign, 
I give the earth life and make plants grow, 
I run and hide every day you know, 
Without my shine your days are numbered, 
Thinking you can survive alone would be a blunder, 
I may not be God or a deity but that’s how some see me, 
What would you do if you had to be me, 
Would you keep watching as people ruin my Earth, 
This planet thrived until these people’s birth, 
You could scorch them and burn them or kill them,
 I choose to keep sending my warm rays upon them,
 It’s up to the people to do what’s right, 
Until then I’ll always shine my light. 
- Sun

Unblinking eyes always watching, always searching, never seeing, 
Stoic man of straw guards the crops, never jumps and never hops, 
Black birds of opportunity seek to doom this friendly community, 
Menace of flight prey on corn, the village without will forever mourn, 
Absent of straw they would all die, if not for this man who never lies, 
He cannot fly, he cannot speak, without his presence the crows havoc would wreak, 
His job is thankless, he is not paid, without jest he is portrayed, 
He will not quit, he will not sway, the flying apparitions will lose this day, 
Though he cannot speak or ever murmur, he watches as the crow gather, ready to murder, 
Man of straw ready to fight, every day and every night, he fights for life, 
He braces for the end and thinks of his friends, 
The black cloud of death draws ever near and the scarecrow never shows fear, 
All moments of carnage and chaos must come to an end, even if the Strawman must die for his friends, 
For his death he is always ready, blood never pumping, for he’s brain-dead already, 
To be alive is not bleeding nor breathing, but living with a meaning, 
The Strawman’s will is strong and true, he will stand tall no matter what they do, 
His friends in danger and doomed to die, more time is all he can buy, 
Masks of fright they all wear, a fight to the death is never fair, masks of death everywhere, 
As death from above comes ever near, all he can do is watch them with a smile and a sneer, 
If time for his friends is all he can buy, then today is a good day to die.

- Scarecrow

We first saw them and had ourselves a scare, 
Feathers in their hair and animal skins everywhere, 
Our value system is very different from theirs, 
With them we trade and peddle our wares, 
Nowadays imbeciles hide behind a historical reconstruction, 
They lie and make up stories despite the complete destruction, 
Early America suffered from religious ignorance and religious fears, 
With befuddled minds and plagued hearts they left a Trail of Tears, 
Very few like to talk about the massacre at Sand Creek, 
Open a book, I dare you, take a peek, 
The last of the Indian Wars was more like a killing spree, 
Forever known as the battle of Wounded Knee, 
We killed them to a man, we won’t admit it got out of hand, 
They taught us to cultivate corn and we stole their land, 
Nowadays it’s very simple you see, 
We eat turkey and get together with family, 
How do we honor all those long dead?, 
Excuse me, could you pass the bread?

- Thanksgiving

I am only a rock, a stone of no worth,
I come from below, from the Earth I was birthed,
I lie dormant deep underground, never moving or making a sound,
You search and dig, you chisel and pound, a good chance I’m never found,
Rare I am not, my circulation is controlled, I am not cheap, high price I’m sold,
Due to greed my price is high, stolen and hidden, men fight, men die,
I am the softest metal, I am jewelry, I am treasure, I am used for dye,
You use me for your debts and dues, I pay for everything you will ever use,
First wrought in the age of iron, I never rust, I never tarnish, I am the color of autumns varnish,
I’m used for more than you know, I’m in most technology, even food as a garnish,
To no man I’m unknown, waste your life seeking me, you will always be alone,
I may surround you, I may be your only wish, you will stop now, for your mistake you atone,
Armor and the Arts, my influence travels far beyond both,
Without inducement I take this oath, your lands be stunted, there would be no growth,
Some value me higher than life, others seek me as buried treasure,
Occasionally I’m the object of war and strife, to gaze upon me is a guilty pleasure,
I sit and wait as I always do, It is my fate, my time is due,
You found me now, the search is through, you cheer to everyone, the whole crew,
What do I stand for, I am freedom, I am misery, I am chains, I am power,
If your soul I have devoured, you ignorantly covet me until your last hour,
I am the shine, I am the luster, I am the glory, I am the fall, I’m the best, above all.
- Soft Stone

I’m different from all the rest, 
Those out of my malefic reach must be blessed, My anger engulfs you in fiery flame, My shaded hatred destroys you with no one else to blame, With a thought and a motion bear witness to my demonic devotion, Your belief that your life is your own is but a preconceived notion, Unleashed are my minions of old, they will feast upon your soul, I corrupt your mind with shadow and despair, I inject your thoughts with fear and give you all a scare, No one will know your situation, you won’t live through the conflagration, Your bones become dust and your blood combusts as I incite your instant cremation, I excel at causing panic and confusion, Is that me or just an illusion, I live where I may in dark seclusion, either way, your safety is a happy delusion, I feed on the living, I command the dead, the masses I fill with dread, What lies ahead? Only I know where my plague will spread, I am to blame, because of my deeds, you will all remember my name, Where ever I go I bring Shadow and Flame.
- Shadow and Flame

I am a blade of no ill repute, I’ll never slice you, upwards I shoot,
Tall and thin though I am, I’m no animal nor am I a man,
I go where I please, here and there, some places I’m everywhere,
You may cut me, trim me, and pluck me when you are bored,
I claim the hills, the valleys, I claim the ground unscathed by man’s wrath,
I am a blade, broad and straight, I’m always early and never too late,
You wage war and spill blood over me, You ruin me and give me life,
I go where I please mostly unhindered, you may fall on me and remain uninjured,
You have all seen me in one place or another for I do not hide, for I am better on either side,
I hold your world together but I  am no hero, no one praises me, not one, zero,
Without my kind working together I would die in the simplest weather,
I am a blade strong and true, alone I am useless, nothing to prove,
I remain long after you’ve gone from this place, I do not boast, this is no race,
Nature will take it’s coarse and eventually I will die, more like me will come and shoot for the sky,
The animals of the land bite me and eat me, some animals do so with haste, born anew within their waste,
A field bereft of my presence may seem like desecration, simple the result of a bovine and rumination,
I am the mighty blade by my own decree, I spread across the land as far as you can see,
I’m not trying to rule the world, I’m only being me.
- Blade of Grass

Bones of wood brush the sky, ever standing, refusing to die,
Fog settles upon the road, rain falls swiftly and the land erodes,
Clouds of gray paint the day, the rain and wind are here to stay,
People feel dejected and the darkness makes them feel alone,
Some thrive and reflect on where their influence hath shown,
Wind wails through bones with shrills and moans,
Wispy air sails through the trees and the wood groans,
Sky  darkens and thunder cracks, splitting the night with  a lightning axe,
Howling wind and raging thunder dare speak of the devil’s blunder,
The storm slows as sun’s bane knows and it’s power grows,
The plight thins as the sun’s strength begins with light,
It’s might rages and it rattles the cages in the battle it wages,
As night ends the morning begins, the light surely wins,
The clouds clear and all life cheer as sun’s victory draws near,
The battle is won but not the war, for there will be countless more,
Do what you must each day and forever hope night will rue the day.
- Night VS. Day

I trust this path I have taken,
I feel it’s right but am I mistaken?
I live with constant fear and doubt,
Could this be what life is all about?
Where my body has failed my mind has reigned,
I fight daily with thoughts of death and pain,
If I don’t fight then no one will,
I’ve been close to losing but I’m here still,
I reach for help and no hand is found,
I yell for help and hear no sound,
I’ve always feared being on my own and alone,
I’ll do my best to prove how much I’ve grown,
What kind of life have I eked out for my future?
Mistakes are easy and become life’s moral suture,
Keep your family near and your best friends close,
Without them I’d surely be morose,
Life is full of trials and tribulations,
Without them life would hold no foundation,
Friends can save you when in need,
With or without them you’ll sometimes bleed,
I follow this trail as I always have,
For the cuts and bruises I apply a mental salve,
Always be yourself and give life’s door a knock,
Life is worth the trip as long as you’re willing to walk.
- Untitled

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