Thursday, March 7, 2013

Old House (in progress)

Things go bump and creak as the old house speaks,
Not a soul stirs nor any excitement occurs,
Eidolons haunt the shadows and guards thy hallows,
Lonely phantom walks the halls sending voiceless calls,
Apparitions hunger for blood of the younger,
Specters and spooks call forth ethereal rebukes,
Nightmares and shade defend this hallowed grave,
Revenants and wraiths bar every escape,
Running and fleeing from an incorporeal being,
From faeries to banshees it’s plain to see,
I am the chase I am the found I am everywhere abound,
I am the bite and the bark I am ruler of the dark,
My eyes always finding and my tendrils always binding,
I creep and quiver making you weep and shiver,
What I find is mine and on your soul I dine,
A heart of gold so bold is easily sold,
A heart of hate so black and ornate,
A heart of old is tastier than a treasured soul,
A heart of fate slips  off my plate,
It’s your heart and laughter I’m after,
Tooth and nail fight me to no avail,
In the shade I reign over blood and brain,
My kin will thresh those of skin and flesh,
My minions  sow seeds of chaos and expand my dominion,
My visage nor voice you’ll never know by choice,
In the dark I rest hoping you’ll fail my test,
I won’t take you alive but always by surprise,
I go where I please... so be at ease…

1 comment:

  1. Love your stories and poems. The other site is nice too! The new poems are Great!
